Boston Key Party 2015 'Airport' writeup
Airport was a cryptography challenge worth 500 points at the Boston Key Party CTF 2015.
We’re provided access to a remote server that implements a custom crypto protocol:
- Let p = 2q + 1 = 2732…5727 be a safe prime (i.e. q is prime too).
- Choose a random integer s from the range [1, (p-1)/2).
- Read an integer b from the client.
- If bs ≡ 4 (mod p), send the flag to the client. Otherwise, send bs mod p to the client and go to step 3.
Reconstruction s from only a set of (b, s) pairs is hard according to the Discrete logarithm conjecture. However, the server also leaks timing information to the client because it uses the following square-and-multiply implementation for step 4:
def slowpower(base, power, mod):
accum = 1
for bit in bin(power)[2:]:
if accum == 4:
accum = accum*accum % mod
if bit == '1':
accum = accum*base % mod
return accum
From now on, we assume that we can compute arbitrary roots modulo p, i.e. we can compute a function root(n, y, p) with the property that (root(n, y, p))n ≡ y (mod p). We will go into the details of how to implement this function below.
Equipped with this, we can:
- Given s, compute b such that bs ≡ 4 (mod p), using b = root(s, 4, p). This will allow us to solve the task once we figure out s.
- Check whether s starts with a given bit string P. Let’s say P = 101.
If s = 101…2 (the subscribed 2 means base 2, i.e. binary), then
after 3 iterations of the
loop, we have accum ≡ base1012. If base = root(1012, 4, p), then this will cause the sleep function to be called, which we can measure. If the binary representation of s does not start with 101, then it is very likely that no sleep will occur.
Using the second primitive, we can reconstruct s bit by bit using the following algorithm:
s = socket.create_connection((SERVER, PORT))
# ... solve proof-of-work test
def oracle(b):
""" Let the server compute b^s mod p. If the result is 4, print
the flag. Otherwise, return the result and the timing. """
t0 = time.time()
s.send(str(b) + '\n')
ans = s.recv(4096)
t = time.time() - t0
if any(c not in "0123456789" for c in ans):
print ans
return int(ans), t
prefix = 1
while True:
prefix <<= 1
# check the two possible hypotheses on the extension of s
_, a = oracle(root(prefix | 0, 4, p))
_, b = oracle(root(prefix | 1, 4, p))
print bin(prefix>>1), a, b
# no difference in timing, we are at the last bit
if abs(a - b) < 0.5:
if b > a:
# the version with an appended 1 bit took longer, so it is the correct guess
prefix |= 1
# there are two possible options for the last bit, check them using the
# exponentiation oracle
for c in (prefix | 0, prefix | 1):
if oracle(13)[0] == pow(13, c, p):
s = c
# something went wrong
assert 0
# send the final guess and get the flag
oracle(root(s, 4, p))
And, after apprixmately 2048 seconds of waiting:
0b1 1.10669398308 0.115952014923
0b10 0.0756859779358 1.15882515907
0b101 0.160202026367 1.19808292389
0b1011 0.161967039108 1.16554093361
0b10111 1.18343901634 0.153500080109
0b101110 0.153550863266 1.1789689064
0b1011101 1.18081712723 0.135214090347
All that remains is filling in the implementation of the root function and the captcha solver.
Computing arbitrary roots modulo p
The problem is, given n and y, find an x such that xn ≡ y (mod p).
Assume that n = 2k + 1 is an odd number. We then have gcd(n, p - 1) = 1 because p - 1 = 2q with q prime. Thus, the modular inverse of n modulo p - 1 exists. Let’s call it u. It can be computed using the extended Euclidean algorithm. By definition, we have u · n ≡ 1 (mod p - 1). With x = yu we then have *xn ≡ yu · n ≡ y1 + k(p - 1) ≡ y · (yp
- 1</sup>)k (mod p)* for some k. Now according to Fermat’s little theorem, this means that xn ≡ y · 1k ≡ y (mod p). Thus x is the n-th root of y that we were looking for.
The case with n = 2k is a bit more complicated: First note that if z is a square root of y, i.e. z2 ≡ y (mod p), then x = root(k, z, p) is the solution we are looking for. Luckily for us, computing square roots modulo the given p is not hard. Since p ≡ 3 (mod 4), we can use a theorem due to Lagrange to compute a square root z: It says that z = y(p+1)/4 mod p is a possible solution.
For the case where n is even, we can alternatively use the fact that we always have y = 4 to make our lives a bit easier: If gcd(n, p - 1) = 2, we can find a v such that v · n ≡ 2 (mod p - 1). Then we have x2 ≡ xv · n ≡ yv ≡ 4v and thus x = 2v is a possible solution.
In Python, the implementation of the more generic approach may look like this:
def ex_gcd(a, b):
x1 = 0; y1 = 1
x = 1; y = 0
while b:
q = a / b; r = a % b
x2 = x - q * x1; y2 = y - q * y1
a = b; b = r; x = x1; x1 = x2; y = y1; y1 = y2
return a, x, y
def root2(y, p):
""" Solve x^2 == y (mod p) """
assert p % 4 == 3
x = pow(y, (p+1)/4, p)
assert pow(x, 2, p) == y
return x
def root(n, y, p):
""" Solve x^n == y (mod p) """
g, u, _ = ex_gcd(n, p-1)
if g == 2:
return root(n/2, root2(y, p), p)
assert g == 1
u %= p-1
x = pow(y, u, p)
assert pow(x, n, p) == y
return x
Solving the captcha
This part is very standard, we just brute-force the suffix until we find a match:
pref = s.recv(4096)
assert len(pref) == 12
print "Solving challenge %s" % pref
i = 0
while True:
answer = pref + ''.join(chr(random.randint(0,0xff)) for _ in xrange(8))
assert len(answer) == 20
ha = hashlib.sha1()
if ha.digest().endswith('\xff\xff\xff'):
i += 1
if i % 100000 == 0:
print i
print "Done!"
The final exploit code can be found in our Github repository.